Summer is here, and another theater season is almost upon us. It’s time to coordinate the program booklet for our 29th season of community theater on St. Croix.
We appreciate your continued support of CCT and ask you to reserve your ad now. Last year’s program booklet was distributed to over 4,000 audience members and to all of our advertisers. We hope to increase attendance again this season, in keeping with our history of bringing great shows to St. Croix.
We look forward to opening our first show of the season in November 2013, and plan to produce five plays (musicals, comedies and dramas).
Perry Sheraw and Lisa Spery will handle the advertising sales this year, and Lisa Spery will continue the graphic production of our program booklet as in past years. Please contact Perry about renewing your ad from last year or placing a new ad.
Please complete the enclosed contract and mail it, along with your ad or ad data and check (made payable to Caribbean Community Theatre) to the address below no later than August 31, 2013. We need completed, signed contracts for all ads.
Please note that the advertising rates are for camera-ready artwork. If you do not have a camera-ready ad, or if your ad agency or graphics person has any questions about the specifications, please contact Lisa at 340-773-7281. Also, be careful when mailing artwork; please do NOT fold. To ensure quality, faxing is not an option. You may deliver items to A Better Copy on Company Street in Christiansted (across from the downtown Post Office), or email them to
We hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions about advertising, please don’t hesitate to contact Perry at or telephone: 340-514-4884.
Thank you for supporting CCT and the arts on St. Croix.